Lúpulo ("Humulus lupulus") y cerveza; efectos sobre los ritmos sueño/vigilia y la ansiedad

  1. Franco Hernández, Lourdes
Supervised by:
  1. María Carmen Barriga Ibars Director
  2. Javier Cubero Juánez Director

Defence university: Universidad de Extremadura

Fecha de defensa: 17 April 2015

  1. Mariano Mañas Almendros Chair
  2. María Dolores Yago Torregrosa Secretary
  3. José Antonio Pariente Llanos Committee member
  4. Ciro Pérez Giraldo Committee member
  5. Jaipaul Singh Committee member

Type: Thesis


Since the bioactive components that contain the nutrients of the Mediterranean diet, and specifically in beer (such as hops Humulus lupulus, the polyphenol: xanthumol and terpene: myrcenol) all involved in the modulation of GABAA receptors inhibiting CNS and promoting night sleep and inhibiting anxiety. Therefore, we propose to evaluate the benefits that moderate consumption of this fermented beverage without alcohol on sleep quality and anxiety in people under high levels of stress. To do this, we recruited population with high levels of stress as sanitary workers with rotating shifts belonging to SES and students of the University of Extremadura under the stress of official exams. And we analyzed the Sleep/Wake Rhythm and Anxiety and Neuroendocrine Metabolites involved in sleep and anxiety.