Influencia de un programa de ejercicio físico moderado en la condición de salud en pacientes intervenidos de cirugía bariátrica en la Ciudad de Talca, Chile

Supervised by:
  1. María José Aguilar Cordero Director

Defence university: Universidad de Granada

Fecha de defensa: 26 September 2017

  1. Rafael Fernández Castillo Chair
  2. Manuel Olalla Herrera Secretary
  3. M. Carmen Solano Ruiz Committee member
  4. Ernesto Cortés Castell Committee member
  5. Javier S. Perona Committee member

Type: Thesis


ABSTRAC Obesity has become a global health problem, with an estimated 1.46 billion people being overweight, of who 502 million are obese. Health is defined by WHO as a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being, and not just the absence of disease or illness. The highest concentration of this population is found in whole America, the Middle East and South Africa, while the lowest prevalence is in Asia. According to the Chilean health survey (2009-2010), 39.3% of the population suffers from overweight, men with 45.3% and women with 33.6%, in terms of obesity national level we have 25.1%, the percentage of women is 30.7% and 19.2% in men; 2.3% of morbid obesity at the national level, being twice more frequent in women than in men, 3.3% and 1.3%, respectively. The concern for obesity lies not only in its direct effects on people's health and quality of life, but also in its strong association with the main non-communicable diseases of our time: cardiovascular, type 2 diabetes mellitus, arterial hypertension, osteoarticular and some types of cancer. Obesity can reduce life expectancy up to ten years and represents a high economic burden for the individual and society. Man has decreased his physical activity in an alarming way. Everything is arranged for the acquisition of food for days and even months, the result of the technological advance is the one that has taken us to have the food as a good with characteristics of ubiquity, therefore this feature of abundance does not result in a change in the nutritional state that points to an energy expenditure inversely proportional to the intake. The general objective of the investigation is to know the influence of a program of moderate physical exercises on the state of health in patients operated with bariatric surgery. In this study, a 20-week physical exercise and nutritional support intervention was performed on a group of patients who underwent bariatric surgery who were compared to a group of control patients, who were given the usual indications given discharge from the hospital. The discussion of this work is that the lifestyle of the patients submitted to CB, does not vary with the mere fact of doing it, but that it should be a process of profound change in relation to healthy habits, fomented in three fundamental pillars, the Physical activity, food and family environment. Most of the studies are based on self-report of the physical activities that are performed during the months following the operation, being subjective in their statements, as the obese patient perceives an increase in activity when they lose weight. This study aims to establish a program of moderate exercises specific to the population of patients operated on CB and to evidence the changes in the intervened patients compared with those who have not had intervention. The main results of this research establish the following conclusions: 1. A moderate physical exercise program in obese patients operated on for bariatric surgery produces significant changes in health parameters and this program may be a potential model of support for this type of patients. 2. This research has shown that anthropometric measurements are modified once the moderate exercises are performed, especially the waist hip index. 3. It was evidenced with this study that the functional capacity improves remarkably after the practice of moderate exercises. 4. The grip strength of the hand showed no significant difference in both groups, a result that according to the author's opinion could be related to the deficit of proteins in the diet. 5. The health profile of Nottingham expresses similar results for both groups, as of the sixth month the experimental group showed a significant improvement in the areas of energy, pain, group relations and mobility. In the areas of sleep and social isolation the results are not significant but it has clinical relevance.