Representaciones sociales, prácticas represivas y discursos de resistencia de la población negroafricana en la España colonial y poscolonial (1953-2019)

  1. Maroto Blanco, José Manuel
Dirigida per:
  1. Francisco Cobo Romero Director

Universitat de defensa: Universidad de Granada

Fecha de defensa: 19 de de març de 2021

  1. Ricardo Martín de la Guardia President/a
  2. Nieves Ortega Pérez Secretària
  3. Raffaele Cattedra Vocal
  4. Jordi Roca Girona Vocal
  5. Beatriz Frieyro de Lara Vocal

Tipus: Tesi


The principal purpose of this thesis is to launch an ongoing dialogue between the social representations of a part of the population so called “black people” since the final stages of the colonial Spanish period in Equatorial Guinea to the current days, with the literary cultural productions from the black African collective; in order to address two completely different narratives, which underscore epistemological racism from which the recent Spanish History has been written. This thesis has been inspired in the decolonial mainstream; a critical theory allow us to problematise the knowledge building in modernity, which has been established as a great opponent to the legitimising discourses about colonial order of past and present times. From this point of view, there is a “colonial power pattern” affecting all spheres of social life, which emerged from a situation of colonialism and it´s perpetuated nowdays becoming chronic and remaining present (Quijano, 2000). Also carried out from the Afrocentric perspective which, far from being a concept opposed to Eurocentrism, it was born as an answer to it; aiming to place in the centre of the researches the African experience to boost a more balanced rethinking of History (Toasijé, 2013); becoming a theory of social change fighting the single vision, imperialist and occidentalist of the historical discourse (Asante, 2003). We will also approach this matter, following the tradition of the “whiteness studies”, which analyse how the concept of “white againts black” was created and the form of privileges and racial and colonial domination (Young, 1990). Confirmed the assumptions or at least, discussing the hegemonic discourse through the arguments used in each of the publications, I will conclude stating that I regard this work as being of fundamental importance and necessary as it helps to rethink a global current reality (in this Spanish case, specifically) which continues to be structured on the basis of the colonial principles usually considered accomplished. Although I have defended that the colonial logics are still presents in the discourses and practices, it also seems reasonable to restore the anti-colonial resistance discourses and practices. As Aimé Césaire himself declared, Colonialism has a detrimental effect on the coloniser, it brutalises and dehumanises our world. I hope to have made a contribution to the broader comprehension of the situation we are living in, to those who have “racial privileges”.