¿Cuál es la percepción de los tutores profesionales sobre el prácticum de enseñanza de Educación Física? Un estudio exploratorio.

  1. Medina-Casaubón, Jesús
  2. Sánchez Gallardo, Isabel
  3. Burgueño Menjíbar, Rafael
  4. Delgado Noguera, Miguel Ángel
I Congreso Internacional en Investigación y Didáctica de la Educación Física: II Jornadas de Investigadores en Didáctica de la Educación Física
  1. Zurita Ortega, Félix (coord.)
  2. Pérez Cortés, Antonio José (coord.)
  3. Castro Sánchez, Manuel (coord.)
  4. Chacón Cuberos, Ramón (coord.)
  5. Espejo Garcés, Tamara (coord.)

Publisher: Facultad de Ciencias de la Educación ; Universidad de Granada

ISBN: 9788461772650

Year of publication: 2016

Pages: 140-145

Congress: I Congreso Internacional en Investigación y Didáctica de la Educación Física (2. 2016. Granada)

Type: Conference paper


The propose of this study was to know the perceptions and difficulties which might have the professional tutors who monitor Physical Education teaching practicum in educational centres during the development thereof. A total of 6 professional tutors, 4 men and 2 women, Physical Education teachers in Secondary Education centres from Granada participated. The dates were collected by survey and analysed via constant comparison and analytic induction method. The findings indicated that suitable duration and timing (2 sessions/week and academic year). The theoretical education was considered appropriated, although, there was a reality shock and it was suggested greater training in corporal expression and activities in the natural environment. The professional tutor’s role was essential in practicum. The pre-service teacher’s motivation and interest were determining in the achievement of teaching objectives. It was needed a higher coordination across the agents intervening in this practicum.