Minería Ibérica en Sierra Nevada (Granada) y su perduración en el paisaje actual.El complejo arqueológico de El Cardal (Ferreira)

  1. Adroher Auroux, Andrés María
  2. García Campoy, Carmelo A.
  3. González Martín, Juan Alejandro
  4. Peregrín Pitto, Enrique
  5. Sol Plaza, Justo
Presente y futuro de los paisajes mineros del pasado: Estudios sobre minería, metalurgia y poblamiento
  1. García Pulido, Luis José (ed. lit.)
  2. Arboledas Martínez, Luis (ed. lit.)
  3. Alarcón García, Eva (ed. lit.)
  4. Contreras Cortés, Francisco (ed. lit.)

Publisher: Editorial Universidad de Granada ; Universidad de Granada

ISBN: 9788433861573

Year of publication: 2017

Pages: 341-353

Congress: Congreso Internacional sobre Minería y Metalurgia Históricas en el Sudoeste Europeo (8. 2014. Granada)

Type: Conference paper


A study is presented here concerning iron mining by Iberians, which developed during a specific moment in the third century BCE, at a single moment and among a core group in various parts along the north slope of the Sierra Nevada mountain range (province of Granada). A range of settlements dating to the same era are known which present similar features, among other things, the persistence of occupation into later periods (some almost up to the present day). As a result, the ancient remains were integrated into the iron-mining landscape that has long characterized the region, and which was key to the socio-economic survival of its inhabitants up until the recent closing of the mines. The study, conservation, and publication of these mining landscapes can help to support the creation of local economic outlets that will halt the depopulation which the region is currently undergoing.