Caracterisation du miel d'oranger (Citrus sp.) produit en Spagne, au moyen de son spectre pollinique

  1. Molíns Marín, J. L. 1
  2. Perea López, F. 1
  3. Montilla Gómez, J. 2
  4. Martínez Gómez, E.
  5. Guerra Hernández, Eduardo 2
  1. 1 Centro Experimental Agrícola-Ganadero (Diputación de Cádiz). Ctra. Jerez-Arcos de la Frontera Km 7,8
  2. 2 Universidad de Granada

    Universidad de Granada

    Granada, España



ISSN: 0210-7708

Year of publication: 1995

Volume: 18

Issue: 1

Pages: 71-83

Type: Article

More publications in: Lagascalia


The present study was carried out in 22 samples of honey obtained in the Spanish market and labeled "Orange-flower honeys". Determination of pollen spectra was made through acetolytic analysis, allowing a minimum of 1200 pollen grains and doing the calculation of percentages in every taxa found. We set 10% as the mínimum percentage of Citrus sp. for honeys to be considered as orange-flower monofloral. Only the 64% the samples analyzed (14 samples) were orange honey. We identified 60 taxa belonging to 37 botanical families. 70% of taxa belonged to nectar-producing plants,