Fundamentación metodológica

  1. Lorenzo Quiles, Oswaldo
  2. Herrera Torres, Lucía
Exedra: Revista Científica

ISSN: 1646-9526

Year of publication: 2011

Issue Title: Estamentos Educativos y Diferencias Culturales del Alumnado: diseno de actividades para el fomento de la socialización (EEDCA)

Issue: 2

Pages: 137-146

Type: Article

More publications in: Exedra: Revista Científica


This article presents an analytical description of the different methodological dimensions in the development of the Project �Educational Sectors and Students� Cultural Differences: Design of Activities for the Promotion of Socialization�. Therefore, it may be seen an approach to the concepts, narrowly related to the Social Sciences� Paradigms of Research (Quantitative, Qualitative or Mixed), their relevance and suitability to the questions and data, and the analysis performed in each type of methodology. In addition, it presents a reasoned justification for the choice of instruments used in the research, namely the interview and the systems of database search. This justification shows an exploration and analysis of the presence of keywords related to the subject of the project in scientific studies: multi-culture, inter-culture, diversity, socialization. Finally, it demonstrates the importance databases have nowadays in the conceptual and empirical definition of the research topics, particularly those of socialization, multi and inter-culture.