La agonía de una lengua. Lo que queda del caló en el habla de los gitanos. Parte II. Un modelo de niveles de competencia y formas de aprendizaje. Voces y campos semánticos más conocidos

  1. Gamella, Juan F.
  2. Fernández Romero, Cayetano
  3. Nieto, Magdalena
  4. Adiego, Ignasi-Xavier
Gazeta de antropología

ISSN: 0214-7564 2340-2792

Year of publication: 2012

Issue: 28

Type: Article

DOI: 10.30827/DIGIBUG.20215 DIALNET GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openOpen access editor

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Caló is the mixed language developed by Spanish Gypsies, Gitanos or Calé. It incorporates a Romany lexicon into the Spanish morphosintax (or Catalan or Basque in the regional varieties). All experts agree that Caló has been in a terminal state for over two centuries. But we lack data on the knowledge, and the use of Caló by its original speakers, and the meaning that Caló has for them. To begin filling this void, we developed a specific questionnaire that includes a detailed list of 355 Caló words with their Spanish equivalencies, and we applied it to an intentional sample of 84 'Gitanos' in Andalusia. This second part includes a model of levels of knowledge or competence of Caló that briefly reviews the three main social environments where it is learned, and analyze the most popular words in Caló and the semantic fields to which they belong.

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