LIVE ART: cuerpo, acción y repercusión en el proceso transdisciplinar

  1. Río Almagro, Alfonso del
Arte, individuo y sociedad

ISSN: 1131-5598

Datum der Publikation: 2013

Ausgabe: 25

Nummer: 3

Seiten: 425-439

Art: Artikel

DOI: 10.5209/REV_ARIS.2013.V25.N3.39524 DIALNET GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openOpen Access editor

Andere Publikationen in: Arte, individuo y sociedad


This work proposes an approximation, review and reflection about the Live Art language, from the research process generated from the course called: Intensive Live Art Laboratory, offered on the Master: Research and production in Art, from the Granada´s University. From a reconsideration and an analysis of the Actions possible precedents, we propose as main objective, in this article, to clarify and investigate on the principal characteristics of this language, like as a consideration on the repercussions that they produce. In this way, we claim that Live Art is like a hybrid and transdisciplinary territory, in continuous rethinking, which goes beyond the Act of the Artistic Action, and which includes the whole creative surrounding process, from the ephemeral event up to the objectification and documents that Actions are generated and detach. Following a strategy of tracking across the variants of the performance, we manage to raise the Live Art, in conclusion, like a strategy of action that implies a capture of attitude in the creative process and in the existential implications in the context political and cultural in the one that develops, evident relation between the corporal thing, as instrument of action and the social transformations.

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