La compensación de impactos ambientales mediante adquisición de créditos de conservación: ¿una nueva fórmula de prevención o un mecanismo de flexibilización del régimen de evaluación ambiental?

  1. Conde Antequera, Jesús
Revista Vasca de Administración Pública. Herri-Arduralaritzako Euskal Aldizkaria

ISSN: 0211-9560

Année de publication: 2014

Titre de la publication: Homenaje a Demetrio Loperena y Ramón Martín Mateo

Número: 99-100

Pages: 979-1005

Type: Article

DOI: 10.47623/IVAP-RVAP.99.100.2014.041 DIALNET GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openAccès ouvert editor

D'autres publications dans: Revista Vasca de Administración Pública. Herri-Arduralaritzako Euskal Aldizkaria


The introduction by the new Act of Environmental Assessment of the possibility to resort to the acquisition of credits generated in banks for the nature conservation as a compensatory method of environmental impacts of projects with irreversible adverse effects over environment sets out many legal issues of interest and a sort of legal uncertainty which derives exactly from the inadequate legal treatment given to this figure so far. In this work we want to deal with some of the features of this market instrument and its integration within the system of environmental assessment, valuing its potential virtues for economic development but also thinking about the risks that can bring to the environment the incorrect implementation of the measure. Therefore, we highlight the importance of reinterpretating the general principles of environmental law from the "No net loss" perspective, or no loss of net biodiversity and the leading role that the principle of proportionality has to get in the delimitation of the practical application of the system and in the monitoring of the administrative activity.

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