El papel de la carga mental en la planificación del entrenamiento deportivo.

  1. Cárdenas, David 1
  2. Conde-González, José 3
  3. Perales, José César 2
  1. 1 Facultad de Ciencias del Deporte. Departamento de Educación Física y Deportiva. Universidad de Granada
  2. 2 Departamento de Psicología Experimental. Universidad de Granada.
  3. 3 Departamento de Educación Física y Deporte. Universidad de Sevilla.
Revista de psicología del deporte

ISSN: 1132-239X 1988-5636

Year of publication: 2015

Volume: 24

Issue: 1

Pages: 91-100

Type: Article

More publications in: Revista de psicología del deporte


One of the keys to achieving success in training is the correct alternation between exertion and rest. Accumulation of load causes fatigue, with a consequent deterioration of an athlete’s motor skills. This impact on the organism depends on the capacity of the athlete to adapt to the stimuli that generated it. Repetitive loads, systematically above the adaptive capacity of the athlete, can produce performance and mode deterioration in the form of dysfunctional overtraining or stalement. (Goodger, Gorely, Lavallee AND Harwood, 2007; Gould, 1996; Gould and Dieffenbach, 2002; Kellmann, 2002). Loading stimuli can be physical and/or mental. Although the impact of the former has been widely studied, this is not the case with the latter. Therefore, our aim was (1) to review the concept of mental workload, including cognitive and emotional elements, (2) to explore the implications of controlling mental workload for training, and (3) to propose practical applications for designing training tasks.

Funding information


  • Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad

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