La finalización de la Gran Guerra, la intensificación de las luchas agrarias y la crisis del liberalismo. España e Italia en perspectiva comparada, 1914-1923

  1. Francisco Cobo Romero
  2. Teresa María Ortega López
Hispania Nova: Revista de historia contemporánea

ISSN: 1138-7319

Année de publication: 2017

Número: 15

Pages: 443-471

Type: Article

DOI: 10.20318/HN.2017.3497 DIALNET GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openAccès ouvert editor

D'autres publications dans: Hispania Nova: Revista de historia contemporánea

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Financial and economic turmoil together with grave budgetary imbalances caused by the Great War exacerbated the class struggle in almost all European countries. Rising inflation and increasing conflict in the countryside led both in Spain and in Italy to the radicalization of the landless peasantry, the growth of socialist trade unions and widespread fear, amongst the rural oligarchy and the middle classes, of a revolutionary or communist take-over. As we shall try to demonstrate in this article, the intensification of the conflict in vast rural areas in Italy and southern Spain in the aftermath of the Great War inclined the agrarian bourgeoisie and middle classes to reject parliamentarianism and accept instead illiberal and anti-democratic proposals represented by fascism and traditional forms of authoritarian corporatism.

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