Gestión del conocimiento y liderazgoPerspectivas de relación

  1. Barbosa Ramírez, David H. 1
  2. Ramírez, Antonio Mihi 2
  3. Hidalgo, Ángela Noguera 1
  1. 1 Universidad del Rosario, Colombia
  2. 2 Universidad de Granada, España
Diversitas: perspectivas en psicología

ISSN: 1794-9998

Ano de publicación: 2014

Volume: 10

Número: 1

Páxinas: 57-70

Tipo: Artigo

DOI: 10.15332/S1794-9998.2014.0001.04 DIALNET GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openDialnet editor

Outras publicacións en: Diversitas: perspectivas en psicología


This paper shows relationships that have been studied between knowledge management and leadership in order to better understand the interaction between both constructs. With this purpose, we have first performed a theoretical review of the central aspects of knowledge management and leadership, and then we have analyzed the relationship between these concepts in order to set perspectives that contribute to the identification of areas and process development for the sustainability of organizations. Our results indicate the existence of a strong relationship between leadership and knowledge management, so companies need greater knowledge about the characteristics of leadership to facilitate the understanding and implementation of best practices in the organization.

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