Extremismos y prácticas violentas en la Europa de entreguerras (1914-1950)

  1. Hernández Burgos, Claudio
  2. Evans, Danny
  3. Kerry, Matthew
Mirar el pasado en tiempos de crisis: historia social, conflicto y cultura de masas
  1. Assumpta Castillo Cañiz (coord.)
  2. David Alegre Lorenz (coord.)
  3. Miguel Alonso Ibarra (coord.)

Editorial: Departament d'Història Moderna i Contemporània ; Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona = Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona ; Asociación de Historia Contemporánea

ISBN: 978-84-17238-04-9

Ano de publicación: 2017

Páxinas: 171-177

Congreso: Asociación de Historia Contemporánea. Encuentro de Jóvenes Investigadores en Historia Contemporánea (5. 2015. Barcelona)

Tipo: Achega congreso


The period that began with the First World War and which ended with the conflicts subsequent to the second saw Europe undergo dramatic social, political, economic and cultural changes, among which we might highlight the crisis of the parliamentary system, the rise and fall of fascism and the spread of violence at all levels. The following texts are reflective of current interest in the radicalisation of the public sphere and the prominence of violent practices in those years. Focusing on the world wars, the comparative analysis of fascism and Francoist Spain, the contributors place violence at the forefront of their analyses of Europe in the first half of the twentieth century and analyse its impact on the politics, culture and society of the time.