Entornos personales de aprendizaje (PLE) para la integración social de menores extranjeros no acompañados (MENA)

  1. Pistón Rodríguez, María Dolores
unter der Leitung von:
  1. Eva María Olmedo Moreno Co-Doktormutter
  2. Carla Roverselli Co-Doktorvater/Doktormutter

Universität der Verteidigung: Universidad de Granada

Fecha de defensa: 24 von Februar von 2022

  1. Clemente Rodríguez Sabiote Präsident
  2. Eva María Aguaded Ramírez Sekretärin
  3. Luísa Aires Vocal
  4. Micaela Sánchez Martín Vocal
  5. Adrián López Delgado Vocal

Art: Dissertation


A research work is presented where the personal learning environments (PLE) of unaccompanied foreign minors (MENA) are analyzed, with the idea that knowing their needs and characteristics more objectively, an educational improvement, a better social insertion will be produced, and as a consequence their improve their employability, as they are strongly linked factors. As one of the results obtained, we highlight the failure that it means for the MENA, the obligation to take Compulsory Secondary Studies, because in their future expectations they will not continue with their studies, but rather, obtain a professional profile, through courses or training cycles, to be able to work as soon as possible. Among his preferences is the service sector. Two intervention programs were proposed: the first of which aims to provide strategies for educational, social and professional improvement in this group (COMETA Program), and the second focused on the Labor Orientation program for MENA, with the aim of improving transition to adult life.