DOSSIERPrácticas Artísticas Colaborativas // PAC#03
- Bermúdez Pérez, Javier 1
- Collados Alcaide, Antonio 2
- Res, Enrique
- Olmo Alonso, Saoia 3
- Canela, Juan 4
- 1 Crítico de Arte y Comisario Independiente
Universidad de Granada
Universidad del País Vasco/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea
Universidad del País Vasco/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea
Lejona, España
- 4 Comisario independiente y Crítico de Arte
ISSN: 2659-8574
Year of publication: 2020
Issue Title: Espacio público y tejido social: arte colaborativo en tiempos de crisis
Issue: 3
Pages: 15
Type: Article
More publications in: Umática: revista sobre creación y análisis de la imagen
What collaborative artistic practices seek to place on the table is the importance of restoring the links between art and life, as an attempt to build the world regardless of economic and marketing issues. Understanding art as something far removed from individualistic postulates, oblivious to issues such as authorship or originality, an attempt has been made for the "Dialogues" section of UMATICA to show part of this production network with a horizontal and transversal sense, through three initiatives or projects fully anchored in the maxim "Public space and social fabric: collaborative art in times of crisis", the title that gives rise to this issue of the magazine.
Bibliographic References
- Ariño, A (2020). Cultura universitaria. Políticas para la Alma Mater. Valencia, Tirant humanidades.
- Miessen, M. (2014). La pesadilla de la participación. Barcelona, dpr-barcelona.
- Garcés, M ( 2017). Nueva Ilustración Radical. Barcelona, Cuadernos Anagrama.
- Guy, J. (ed.) (2020), Curriculum. Contemporary Art Goes to School. Londres. Intellect books.
- G.E.D. (2015). Ni arte ni educación [exposición]. Grupo de Educación Disruptiva (GED) de Matadero Madrid..
- O’Neill, P. & Wils, M. (Eds.) (2010). Curating and the Educational Turn. Londres, Open Editions.