La lógica poéticauna fenomenología del pensamiento artístico

  1. Sánchez Ruiz, Joaquín
  2. Belda Mercado, Ignacio
  3. Chacón Gordillo, Pedro
Arte, individuo y sociedad

ISSN: 1131-5598

Year of publication: 2011

Volume: 23

Issue: 1

Pages: 9-18

Type: Article

DOI: 10.5209/REV_ARIS.2011.V23.N1.1 DIALNET GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openOpen access editor

More publications in: Arte, individuo y sociedad

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We tried to extend the notion of truth, from the rational concept towards the subjective one. We not only exist by the thought, but also by the feeling. If we apply the scientific method to everything, we remain without art. We want to adhere ourselves to the intimate experience of the subjective thing. In art, the eye introduces the perspective and eliminates the interpretation possibility. Something similar happens with the matter: verb is to matter as name is to form. The Academy has given importance to the form, and it has forgotten the poetical qualities of the matter; it has focused on the figure and it has forgotten the background. However,... (Leer más) we have to pay attention to the accidental thing, to the rupture of the protocol, to the frenzy of everything that is alive. For this reason, we pay attention to our intuition, to the sleepy subsoil of our ordinary experience whose inertia has lost the disruptive value of the action. At the end of this article we offer practical exercises, with which we wish to revitalize our centres of attention.

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