Efectividad de la educación para la salud en el dolor lumbar en adultos

  1. Rueda Carrasco, Esther
  2. Cantos, M.J.
  3. Valdivia Moral, Pedro Ángel
  4. Martínez Fuentes, Juan
Journal of sport and health research

ISSN: 1989-6239

Year of publication: 2011

Volume: 3

Issue: 2

Type: Article

More publications in: Journal of sport and health research


Low back pain is defined as pain in the lumbar or lumbosacral area and may be irradiated to the gluteus or hamstring area. Actually, is a major problem in modern society due to incapacity caused in occupational activity. Common causes of low back pain are efforts and poor posture that patients show. Health education is a tool that professionals have to get the ability to control, improve, and take decisions about health and illness of the population. Therefore, the aim of this research is to identify the contents of health education programs targeted to low back pain, health professionals involved and the items that influence the effectiveness of programs. For that purpose we made a literature review, through searches at national and international databases. We made search strategies with the terms contained in the Thesaurus "low back pain", "health education" and "ergonomics". We selected items that were related to the effectiveness of health education for low back pain. The results indicated that health education is effective in improving the quality of life and functional disability, but it is unclear to the intensity of pain in patients with low back pain. We conclude that the health professionals who perform more interventions are medical doctor and physical therapist, and health education is effective in improving the quality of life and functional disability.

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