Criterios de evaluación para la enseñanza de la geografía, la historia y las ciencias sociales, según el modelo de principios científico-didácticos (P. C. D.)

  1. García Ruiz, Antonio Luis
  2. Muñoz Bandera, Juan Francisco
Revista Iberoamericana de Evaluación Educativa

ISSN: 1989-0397

Year of publication: 2013

Volume: 6

Issue: 1

Pages: 49-60

Type: Article

More publications in: Revista Iberoamericana de Evaluación Educativa


In this article the authors present new evaluation criteria for teaching Geography, History and Social Sciences in order to provide students with a more comprehensive and complete which has dimensions for the practical, epistemological and ethical-philosophical. For this, the authors have separated the concepts of facts, because they have different natures, and add the contents of thoughtfulness, which would be the equivalent to the internal correlations of the other types of contents of each issue. The results are five types of criteria: factual, conceptual, procedural, and attitudinal reflective. The basis of this, is the model of Scientific-Didactic Principles, developed by the authors in several previous research, as an innovative and alternative form.

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