Desarrollo de la competencia investigadora a través de una colección digital para la enseñanza de la historia local

  1. Roque Herrera, Y. 1
  2. Alonso-García, S 1
  3. Valdivia, P. 2
  1. 1 Universidad Nacional de Chimborazo (Ecuador)
  2. 2 Universidad de Granada

    Universidad de Granada

    Granada, España


Trances: Transmisión del conocimiento educativo y de la salud

ISSN: 1989-6247

Year of publication: 2015

Volume: 7

Issue: 2

Pages: 315-330

Type: Article

More publications in: Trances: Transmisión del conocimiento educativo y de la salud


A cuasiexperimental research with a cuanti-qualitative approach of prospective type was carried out with the objective of evaluating the impact of the application of a digital collection with thematic texts on the local history of Sagua la Grande, in the educational investigative process in the "Lidia Doce Sánchez" Medical Sciences University Branch during the period 2009-2012. The study universe was constituted by the total of professors who teach the subject History of Cuba in the careers of Medicine and Dentistry a total of 3 professors and 34 students of the second year of the careers of Medicine traditional model and Dentistry in the course 2009-2010, representing 100%. The investigation was carried out in three stages: first, diagnostic of the bibliographical needs and selection of the documents to include in the collection; second, design and evaluation of the digital collection; third, application and evaluation of the effectiveness of the digital collection. During the first and the third stages, Different techniques such as questionnaire to students, interviews to professors, and inventory of available bibliography on the studied theme were used. The results of the diagnosis contributed the main elements for the design of the digital collection. The literature inadequacy was evidenced, 21 documents were selected on different moments of the history of Sagua la Grande. The digital collection was evaluated as very appropriate by the selected specialists. The Implementation of the collection demonstrated its high effectiveness in the educational and investigative educational process.