Primeras aproximaciones al uso de la metodología de la Clase Invertida en Trabajo Social

  1. Ana Alcázar Campos 1
  1. 1 Universidad de Granada (España)
Hekademos: revista educativa digital

ISSN: 1989-3558

Année de publication: 2016

Número: 21

Pages: 83-91

Type: Article

D'autres publications dans: Hekademos: revista educativa digital


In this paper the author presents some results of the Teaching Innovation Project 14-35: Deepening Social Work Research using Methodologies Projects and "Flip Teaching" with pretensions to reflect about the usefulness and limitations of this approach in higher education. This project arises from the concern of three teachers of the Department of Social Work and Social Services at the University of Granada, to confront the difficulties that students from different courses was at the time of making and managing searches of scientific literature. We try to resolve these issues and we have interest, at the same time, in teaching innovation, and then we decided to experiment with the flipped classroom methodology to try to respond to this. From our point of view this methodology, using ICT and video tutorials about scientific searches, "it is changing the traditional educational context (teacher-student-classroom)" (Raya Díez and Caparrós Civera, 2014, p. 1). Here the teacher has a guiding role, supporting the motivated and autonomous learning of the students.

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