Gazophylacium (1691) de Christoph Warmer

  1. Luis Pablo Núñez
Boletín de la Real Academia Española

ISSN: 0210-4822

Year of publication: 2020

Tome: 100

Tome: 321

Pages: 207-226

Type: Article

More publications in: Boletín de la Real Academia Española


This article analyzes the Gazophylacium Decem Linguarum Europæarum apertum (Kosice, 1691) by Christoph Warmer, a multilingual book with dialogues from Central Europe, which has not previously been studied by Spanish academic specialists. Continuing the textual tradition of multilingual vocabularies and dialogues based on the Renaissance Colloquia published by the Flemish teacher Noël de Berlaimont, Gazophylacium incorporates the greatest number of languages and a figurative pronunciation, thereby providing exceptional evidence for the phonetic description of European languages in the seventeenth century. This article traces its sources and contributions.

Bibliographic References

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