La educación física como herramienta en la mejora del factor-psicológico del niño asmático

  1. Catalinas Conca, Virginia
  2. Tejada Medina, Virginia
  3. Rios Mora, Alejandro
I Congreso Internacional en Investigación y Didáctica de la Educación Física: II Jornadas de Investigadores en Didáctica de la Educación Física
  1. Zurita Ortega, Félix (coord.)
  2. Pérez Cortés, Antonio José (coord.)
  3. Castro Sánchez, Manuel (coord.)
  4. Chacón Cuberos, Ramón (coord.)
  5. Espejo Garcés, Tamara (coord.)

Publisher: Facultad de Ciencias de la Educación ; Universidad de Granada

ISBN: 9788461772650

Year of publication: 2016

Pages: 360-365

Congress: I Congreso Internacional en Investigación y Didáctica de la Educación Física (2. 2016. Granada)

Type: Conference paper


Bronchial asthma is an inflamatory disorder in respiratory tracts that usually causes serious restrictions in the style of life in children suffering from it.That produces a narrowing of respiratory tracts with the consistent lack of ventilatiion getting lungs not to send enough oxygen to blood causing fatigue in respiratory muscles and system. This pathology is chronic and persistent, affecting child physical and socially. Making measures to prevent and make children aware benefiting from doing exercise to make child feel better, become very important.Making a correct treatment use to be very little awareness.Hence the inmportance that family , teachers and health workers participate on a whole to improve the control of this desease.