Fertilidad léxica en la formación de términos compuestos

  1. Melania Cabezas-García

ISSN: 1133-682X

Année de publication: 2021

Número: 29

Pages: 60-79

Type: Article

D'autres publications dans: Pragmalinguistica


Multiword terms are a type of lexical unit that is particularly common in special-ized discourse. They condense scientific and technical knowl-edge, that is why its correct treat-ment is essential for information dissemination. However, their analysis is not an easy task. This article presents a corpus-based study, which examined the con-ceptual and pragmatic forma-tion of English multiword terms belonging to the field of wind power. Firstly, the analysis in-volved the structural disambigu-ation of multiword terms. Then, the constituents of multiword terms were assigned semantic categories and their internal relation was identified. Finally, multiword terms were labelled with semantic roles. This analy-sis revealed the microcontext of each term, which explains fertil-ity in the formation of multiword terms and facilitates different cognitive and discursive tasks, such as translation

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