Estudio comparado sobre el uso de nuevas tecnologías entre dos facultades de Educación andaluzas

  1. Úbeda Sánchez, Álvaro Manuel 1
  2. Alvarez Ferrandiz, Daniel 1
  3. Fernández García Valdecasas, Borja 1
  4. De la Cruz Campos, Juan Carlos 1
  1. 1 Universidad de Granada

    Universidad de Granada

    Granada, España


RIFOP : Revista interuniversitaria de formación del profesorado: continuación de la antigua Revista de Escuelas Normales

ISSN: 0213-8646 2530-3791

Year of publication: 2022

Volume: 36

Issue: 97

Pages: 113-132

Type: Article

DOI: 10.47553/RIFOP.V98I36.2.93716 DIALNET GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openDIGITUM editor

More publications in: RIFOP : Revista interuniversitaria de formación del profesorado: continuación de la antigua Revista de Escuelas Normales


Currently, the increase and impact of new technologies in society has led to an increase in the use of the Internet, mobile phones, social networks and video games among the younger population, as well as the time spent on these devices as another form of communication and entertainment. This comparative-causal study of an ex post facto nature aims, by means of an ad hoc questionnaire, to make a comparison between students of the Infant and Primary Education degrees of the universities of Granada and Almeria, establishing whether there are significant differences in the use of these devices and detecting possible signs of addiction to new technologies among the selected sample. The subsamples of students obtain very similar values in the different categories of the items and although, in general, there are no evident cases of addiction or dependence, in the use of mobile phones, certain considerable levels of nomophobia can be observed.

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