El régimen singular fronterizo de Ceuta y Melilla y su controvertido impacto en la regulación de flujos migratoriosLas devoluciones en caliente, ¿bálsamo de fierabrás o parto de los montes?

  1. 1 Universidad de Granada

    Universidad de Granada

    Granada, España

    ROR https://ror.org/04njjy449

Revista española de derecho administrativo

ISSN: 0210-8461

Any de publicació: 2022

Número: 217

Pàgines: 275-320

Tipus: Article

Altres publicacions en: Revista española de derecho administrativo


Massive migratory flows' management in Ceuta and Melilla constitutes, due to the "ultraperipheral" position, and its special border regime, a great challenge; both for themselves, as well as for the Spanish State and the European institutions. The exclusion of Schengen Agreement's applicatino in these cities, by Spanish decision, configures, mutatis mutandi, a space of intervention in which the National Authorities that watch the border can develop special powers to prevent the irregular entry of immigrants. Accordingly, it is necessary to rethínk and technically define the limits of material action from governing national authoriti es, starting from the concept of "Iiquid border" or "operational border' established by case law. The paper takes special attention to the so-called "summary returns", also known as "border rejections", or "hot returns". Qualified as an immediate reaction by the State, these urgent returns have been criticized for being carried out without following any administrative procedure, and for reducing procedural guarantees and the fundamental rights of the individual. However, both the European Court of Human Rights and the Spanish Constitutional Court have endorsed, with nuances, their practice, and consider them to be respectful with the European Convention on Human Rights and the Spanish Constitution, respectively, as long as they comply with the regime of exceptions that arise in both judgments. The phenomenon of irregular immigration is strongly conditioned by other issues that are dealt with at the text, such as the state of diplomatic relations between the Kingdoms of Spain and Morocco, or the ad hoc proportionality test to guarantee and respect the human rights of the most vulnerable people, Likewise, the controversies that affect the identification and the procedural representation system before the Spanish Courts are examined, through powers 01 attorney apud Acta that have been proven to be flawed. Or what are the limits of ambulatory and circulatory freedom of migrants who register an application for asylum in Ceuta or Melilla.ln developing these and other questions, we reflect on the effectiveness of hot returns: if they truly serveas the ultimate solution to control the massive and irregular arrivals of migrants (Friar's balsam); or, on the contrary, they are part of a hollow and instrumentalized debate, since, even though it is a necessary measure, they are not so decisíve or effective insofar as they are announced as something greater or important than what they end up being (birth of the mount). As a backdrop, we ask ourselves whether it is, not already successful, but effective, to order a special border regime for peopie who try to enter Spain irregularly by jumping the Ceuta and Melilla's fences. If, as different political formations defend, it would be convenient to repeal the so called "Spanish Gag Law" (as far as hot returns are concerned); or, more strategicalIy, if, as is beginning to be strongly suggested, it would be necessary to integrate both cities, from the point of view of the of economy, but also 01 the control of migratory flows, within the Schengen Area.

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