El lunfardo en los tangos y su incidencia en el aprendizaje del español de Argentinaestudio del caso
- Panagia, Mariagrazia
- Villanueva Roa, Juan de Dios 1
Universidad de Granada
ISSN: 2340-8685
Año de publicación: 2023
Número: 18
Páginas: 111-130
Tipo: Artículo
Otras publicaciones en: Investigaciones Sobre Lectura
This research paper presents a study on lunfardo (Argentinian slang), in which lyrics from tangos are used to discover expressions from this slang and their meaning in current-day standard Argentinian Spanish. From this exploration, an intervention programme is elaborated whereby the slang words and tango music are employed as motivating elements for the improvement in the learning of Spanish as a Foreign Language. This programme uses a series of exercises undertaken by a limited number of students online which are completed in combination with with synchronous video conference calls and diachronic activities. The COVID 19 pandemic has had an effect on the development of this research and has led us to adapt the program to the current health situation suffered across the world during this process. Nevertheless, with the results obtained, we have been able to see how objectives were attained, and we have found that the use of lunfardo in the teaching of Spanish in Argentina has improved Spanish language among learners while also helping them to maintain high levels of motivation throughout the process.
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