Beverage consumption in the context of a mediterranean diet, cardiovascular risk factors and mental health

  1. Paz Graniel, Indira del Socorro
Supervised by:
  1. Nancy Babio Director
  2. Jordi Salas Salvadó Director

Defence university: Universitat Rovira i Virgili

Fecha de defensa: 02 June 2022

  1. Lluís Masana Marín Chair
  2. Aurora Bueno Cavanillas Secretary
  3. Nerea Becerra Tomás Committee member

Type: Thesis

Teseo: 761533 DIALNET lock_openTDX editor


Cardiovascular diseases prevalence and incidence have exponential increase in the last years. Most of these diseases can be prevented by addressing modifiable lifestyle factors (diet, physical activity, smoking habits). However, epidemiological evidence exploring the association between drinking water, beverages, and cardiovascular risk factors is limited and contradictory, and sometimes dietary guidelines do not include recommendations on their consumption. The general objective of the present Doctoral Thesis was to assess the beverage consumption pattern of an elderly Mediterranean population with metabolic syndrome and its association with cardiovascular risk factors and cognition. For this purpose data from the PREDIMED-Plus study, a multicenter randomized clinical trial conducted in Spain for the primary prevention of cardiovascular disease (CVD), was analyzed as a prospective cohort design study. The main findings derived from this dissertation reinforce the role of the Mediterranean beverage consumption pattern in the compliance of European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) recommendations for total water intake and its association with a healthy lifestyle; provide evidence for the association between drinking water consumption, body weight and adiposity; contribute with new insights regarding fruit juice consumption and its association with cardiometabolic health; and support the role of coffee consumption and caffeine intake in the prevention of cognitive decline and mental health. In conclusion, the Mediterranean beverage consumption pattern is associated with a healthier lifestyle, higher compliance with the EFSA’s recommendations for water intake, better prognosis in some cardiovascular risk factors, and cognitive performance in elderly individuals with MetS. Further, some molecules present in liquids, such as caffeine, could be associated with aspects of mental health, such as anxiety.