Reconstruyendo Teorías Subjetivas junto a Profesores Chilenos acerca del Tiempo Instruccional

  1. Caamaño- Vega, Vladimir 1
  2. Castro, Pablo J. 2
  3. González-Palta, Ingrid 2
  4. Cuadra-Martínez, David 3
  5. Oyanadel , Cristian 4
  1. 1 Universidad Santo Tomás

    Universidad Santo Tomás

    Santiago de Chile, Chile


  2. 2 Universidad de La Serena

    Universidad de La Serena

    La Serena, Chile


  3. 3 Universidad de Atacama

    Universidad de Atacama

    Copiapó, Chile


  4. 4 Universidad de Concepción

    Universidad de Concepción

    Concepción, Chile


REXE: Revista de estudios y experiencias en educación

ISSN: 0717-6945 0718-5162

Datum der Publikation: 2023

Ausgabe: 22

Nummer: 50

Seiten: 157-175

Art: Artikel

DOI: 10.21703/REXE.V22I50.2138 DIALNET GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openDialnet editor

Andere Publikationen in: REXE: Revista de estudios y experiencias en educación

Ziele für nachhaltige Entwicklung


Background: Time is a key dimension in the educational context. In education, the study of time has been approached scarcely and from an objectivist perspective, without considering the subjective perception of the actors in the educational process. Objective: to describe and interpret the construction of Subjective Theories (ST) in relation to instructional time (IT) in teachers in a region of Chile. Method: it is a descriptive and interpretative qualitative research. Eight teachers working at elementary and middle school levels participated. Descriptive and relational procedures adapted to the study of subjective theories were used for data analysis. Results: two graphical models containing STs that explain IT in elementary and middle school are presented. By means of a TS reconstruction process, elements that facilitate and hinder the experience of IT during classes are identified.  Conclusions: it is concluded that the qualitative method used gave teachers an active role in the reconstruction of their own explanations, since through communicative validation they deepened the content analysis of the Subjective Theories on instructional time.

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