Gráfica de Atención Completa (G.A.C.), una propuesta metodológica educativa mediante proyectos interdisciplinares para el aprendizaje y mejora de la capacidad de atención-concentración a través del audiovisual y el arte

  1. Francisco Cuéllar Santiago
  2. Isidro López- Aparicio Pérez

ISSN: 1659-3820 0379-3974

Année de publication: 2018

Volumen: 27

Número: 1

Pages: 84-107

Type: Article

DOI: 10.18845/RC.V27I1-18.3887 DIALNET GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openAccès ouvert editor

D'autres publications dans: Comunicación

Objectifs de Développement Durable


Abstract This research examines the results obtained in a testing course to analyze a new teaching and learning methodology called GAC (Graphic of Complete Attention), for which comparative research (quantitative and qualitative) was used. Participants in the course were secondary students from two schools in the region of Madrid (Secondary School San Isidro=20) and Murcia (High-Performing School in Lorca=20). Both the introduction and the theoretical framework encompass the updated Spanish General Law on Education (LOMCE) and its lack of consideration of the increasingly more necessary media literacy. This study also deals with the relationships between new teaching methodologies from a neuroscientific approach and explains the fundamental audiovisual narratives used for the proposed methodology. Quantitative data has been gathered from questionnaires before and after the course, while qualitative data has been obtained from direct observation and the analysis of the students’ works. The results of the methodology show that most of the participants benefited from the use of GAC when preparing their studies, since they find it a creative platform to express themselves. Results also highlight that this methodology enables students to increase their concentration span in 30%. However, some students find it difficult to apply such methodology because they believe they do not possess the level of skills needed to accomplish it. This research concludes that the Government must make greater efforts in promoting media literacy, especially taking into account contemporary society’s great dependency on technology and media.

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