Diseño y validación de un cuestionario socioeducativo para talleristas, observadores y evaluadores de talleres de artes vivas para la inclusión social

  1. Moles López, Elisabet 1
  2. Gutiérrez Santiuste, Elba 1
  3. Molina Fernández, Elvira 1
  4. Añaños, Fanny T. 1
  1. 1 Universidad de Granada

    Universidad de Granada

    Granada, España

    ROR https://ror.org/04njjy449


ISSN: 2794-0640

Year of publication: 2023

Issue: 4

Pages: 4

Type: Article

DOI: 10.59486/DTAP5635 DIALNET GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openOpen access editor

More publications in: TRANSMIGRARTS TMA

Sustainable development goals


The purpose of this paper is to present the socio-educational questionnaire for workshop participants, observers and researchers, called CUSOETA, as well as to describe and analyze the design, construction and validation process. This instrument was in charge of the University of Granada (Spain), responsible for WP2. It is aimed, from the socio-educational approach, to understand, from the vision of the executors, the transformative process at the population whom it is directed, through artistic processes that were carried out in nine workshops in Spain and Colombia. The validation was done by expert judgment, where qualitative and quantitative methods were applied, having a final version of 47 items, distributed in seven blocks: general data of the workshop, general data of the workshop participants and observers, on the characteristics of the participants, about the current situation of the participants, about the preparation of the workshop and their role as workshop leader and/or observer, about the development of the workshop and, about the transformative process and impact. At the same time, he designed the ethical protocol, the information and consent sheets. After validation, it was administered online using the LimeSurvey software under the license of the University of Granada, in a period close to the end of the workshops. In-depth knowledge, on the one hand, of the reality of vulnerable people such as migrants, and on the other hand, the situation and perspectives of those responsible; as well as the possibilities and feasibility of the intervention are vital to design a transformative action, real and adjusted to the people, the environment and the context where the artistic action is carried out, which will influence the processes of social inclusion.

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