Power in Public Art Spaces. Frictions, Performativity and the Generation of Counter-Hegemonic Narratives

  1. Harris Sánchez, Angela
Supervised by:
  1. Pilar Villar Argáiz Co-director
  2. Rita Monticelli Co-director
  3. Margarita Sánchez Romero Co-director

Defence university: Universidad de Granada

Fecha de defensa: 15 September 2023

  1. Margarita Sánchez Romero Chair
  2. Miguel Lorente Acosta Secretary
  3. Cristina María Gámez Fernández Committee member
  4. Pedro Antonio Férez Mora Committee member
  5. Rita Monticelli Committee member

Type: Thesis


This thesis applies queer theories to the examination of experiences which go beyond queerness. Decolonial, antiracist and feminist new materialist theories are applied to four case studies dealing with the issue of power and public art spaces. By applying concepts as methodologies, autoethnographic reflections and f(r)ictions as research alternatives, the thesis brings up new diffractive readings from where to perform those scenarios differently. In doing so, the thesis disentangles historical, material, philosophical, political and disruptive meanings which haunt the four case studies and bring out their artivist potential.