La teoría y la praxis curricularresignificaciones desde la práctica docente
ISSN: 1692-2697
Année de publication: 2019
Titre de la publication: REVISTA EDUCACIÓN Y PENSAMIENTO V26
Número: 26
Pages: 55-62
Type: Article
D'autres publications dans: Revista de educación y pensamiento
This article reflects on the importance of a teaching practice that contributes to educational quality, based on a commitment oriented to the current curriculum that, although it can be perfectible, includes philosophical, legal and contextual aspects that bring theory and praxis together, to find alternatives to provide comprehensive answers to the problems; but with the sine qua nom condition of knowledge of curricular levels so that from the instance of the classroom curriculum can establish a work that link: objectives, content, methodology, evaluation, from their teaching skills linked to planning, adaptation, execution of proposals, with the purpose of contributing to the design and curricular redesign, understood from the perspective of continuous improvement, to enhance compliance with the proposed profiles.
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