Análisis del rol docente en una propuesta de gamificación en el máster de profesorado

  1. Carmen Navarro-Mateos 1
  2. Isaac José Pérez-López 1
  3. Carmen Trigueros Cervantes 1
  1. 1 Universidad de Granada

    Universidad de Granada

    Granada, España


Revista de educación

ISSN: 0034-8082

Year of publication: 2024

Issue Title: Gamificación, Videojuegos y eSports

Issue: 405

Pages: 275-302

Type: Article

DOI: 10.4438/1988-592X-RE-2024-405-635 DIALNET GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openOpen access editor

More publications in: Revista de educación


Introduction: learning environments have suffered enormous changes in the last few years, as a consequence of social transformations and the students’ new demands. Furthermore, motivation in higher levels of education is related with a better academic performance, with the teaching staff’s role as a key aspect to have an impact on it. In this context, gamification is especially relevant, since it takes advantage of the attractiveness and significance of games and videogames to boost the implication and the learning experience. On the other hand, TV programs are a format that generates a great interest in university students. Therefore, the objective of this article is to analyse the teaching staffs’ role in a gamification proposal inspired by the TV program Masterchef, based on the narratives of its participants, with the intention of knowing its incidence and the aspects highlighted by them. Methodology: the participants were 29 students (4 female, 25 male) from the MA in Teaching from the University of Granada. A qualitative methodology was employed, and a phenomenological study was conducted. Through an open question approach, and using Google Drive, the students shared, anonymously and voluntarily, their emotions, the things they learned and both the negative and positive aspects they lived throughout the experience. The analysis was done using the software Nvivo. Results: the three characteristics that the students highlighted about the professor, and that according to their narratives, had the most impact on the degree in which they took advantage of the proposal, were: the levels of exigence (which made them give the better of themselves), the feedback (which favoured the learning process and the feeling of making progress) and the care for details (which contributed in the immersion of the participants and the credibility of the proposal). Conclusions: seeing the obtained results, the teacher/professor is a key differentiator element in these types of approaches, resulting in a higher degree of implication from the students and a higher degree of satisfaction with the proposal.

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