Publications (187) JOSÉ DAVID BIENVENIDO HUERTAS publications


  1. Adaptive Comfort Potential in Different Climate Zones of Ecuador Considering Global Warming

    Energies, Vol. 17, Núm. 9

  2. Assessing the energy saving potential of using adaptive setpoint temperatures: The case study of a regional adaptive comfort model for Brazil in both the present and the future

    Building Simulation, Vol. 17, Núm. 3, pp. 459-482

  3. Behavior Pattern of Building Engineering Students with Flipped Classroom: Visualization and Clustering Evaluation Analysis

    Teaching Innovation in Architecture and Building Engineering, pp. 89-104

  4. Behavior Pattern of Building Engineering Students with Flipped Classroom: Visualization and Clustering Evaluation Analysis

    Teaching Innovation in Architecture and Building Engineering: challenges of the 21st century (Springer Suiza), pp. 89-104

  5. Cost and time risk factors in construction projects in the Dominican Republic

    Frontiers in Built Environment, Vol. 10

  6. Detection Capacity by Professors of Academic Architecture Projects Carried Out with Artificial Intelligence

    Teaching Innovation in Architecture and Building Engineering, pp. 601-613

  7. Detection Capacity by Professors of Academic Architecture Projects Carried Out with Artificial Intelligence

    Teaching Innovation in Architecture and Building Engineering: challenges of the 21st century (Springer Suiza), pp. 601-614

  8. Detection of activities in bathrooms through deep learning and environmental data graphics images

    Heliyon, Vol. 10, Núm. 6

  9. Development of a New Adaptive Comfort Model for Social Housing in Andalusia

    Passive and Low Energy Architecture 2024 (PLEA 2024)

  10. Energy savings in buildings applying ASHRAE 55 and regional adaptive thermal comfort models

    Urban Climate, Vol. 55

  11. Holistic analysis to reduce energy poverty in social dwellings in southern Spain considering envelope, systems, operational pattern, and income levels

    Energy, Vol. 288

  12. Positive Energy Buildings Potential for Climate Change Adaptation and Energy Poverty Mitigation

    EDIFíCATE 2023: II National and I International Congress of Advanced Schools Buildings Engineering and Technical Architecture

  13. Proyecto de innovación docente REFOR_CA_Refuerzo de competencias digitales y docentes del profesorado del Departamento de Construcciones Arquitectónicas de la Universidad de Granada

    EDIFíCATE 2023: II National and I International Congress of Advanced Schools Buildings Engineering and Technical Architecture

  14. Risk of bioaerosols in small and poorly ventilated indoor places with low concurrent use

    Revista DYNA, Vol. 99, Núm. 1, pp. 71-77

  15. Study on the Perception of Architecture and Building Engineering Students About the Usefulness of Quiz Games

    International Journal of Construction Education and Research

  16. Teaching Innovation in Architecture and Building Engineering: challenges of the 21st century

    Springer Suiza

  17. The Influence of Global Warming and Tourism Over the Sleeping Thermal Comfort of Dwellings in Granada

    Green Energy and Technology (Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH), pp. 225-238

  18. Using setpoint temperatures based on adaptive thermal comfort models: The case of an Australian model considering climate change

    Building and Environment, Vol. 258


  1. A Detailed Analysis on the Programming Approach to Apply Adaptive Setpoint Temperatures

    Building Engineering Facing the Challenges of the 21st Century: Holistic Study from the Perspectives of Materials, Construction, Energy and Sustainability (Springer Nature), pp. 459-471