Publications (66) JUAN CARLOS LEYVA DÍAZ publications
Activated carbon adsorption for mitigating the harmful effects of antibiotics on the biological activated sludge: Effect on heterotrophic kinetics through respirometry
Water Environment Research, Vol. 96, Núm. 8
Intensificación en el desarrollo de competencias en la asigntura de Tratamiento y Tecnología de Agua del Grado en Ciencias Ambientales a través del análisis de diagramas de flujo mediante estrategias de trabajo colaborativo
VI Jornadas Internacionales en Innovación Docente en las titulaciones técnicas (INDOTEC 2023): Libro de actas (Universidad de Granada), pp. 151-158
Impacts of Organic Emerging Contaminants (Erythromycin, Ibuprofen, and Diclofenac) on the Performance of a Membrane Bioreactor Treating Urban Wastewater: A Heterotrophic Kinetic Investigation
Membranes, Vol. 13, Núm. 8
Kinetic Effects of Ciprofloxacin, Carbamazepine, and Bisphenol on Biomass in Membrane Bioreactor System at Low Temperatures to Treat Urban Wastewater
Membranes, Vol. 13, Núm. 4
Microalgae bioreactor for nutrient removal and resource recovery from wastewater in the paradigm of circular economy
Bioresource Technology, Vol. 363
Study of the Potential for Agricultural Reuse of Urban Wastewater with Membrane Bioreactor Technology in the Circular Economy Framework
Agronomy, Vol. 12, Núm. 8
A review of the adsorption-biological hybrid processes for the abatement of emerging pollutants: Removal efficiencies, physicochemical analysis, and economic evaluation
Science of the Total Environment, Vol. 780
Biological absorption as main route for amoxicillin reduction and heterotrophic kinetic modeling in a "nIPHO" bioreactor
Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, Vol. 9, Núm. 2
Development of indicators of circular economy and their application in water management
An Introduction to the Circular Economy (Nova Science Publishers, Inc.), pp. 67-89
Gestión de residuos sólidos urbanos en el paradigma de la economía circular: Estudio bibliométrico
Economía circular: Fundamentos y aplicaciones (Thomson Reuters Aranzadi)
La bioeconomía circular y su aplicación al tratamiento de aguas residuales
Economía circular: Fundamentos y aplicaciones (Thomson Reuters Aranzadi)
Removal of pharmaceuticals from wastewater: Analysis of the past and present global research activities
Water (Switzerland), Vol. 13, Núm. 17
Sustainable food production: The transition towards a circular economy of plastic food packaging
An Introduction to the Circular Economy (Nova Science Publishers, Inc.), pp. 243-259
Waste recycling from construction sector within the circular economy paradigm
An Introduction to the Circular Economy (Nova Science Publishers, Inc.), pp. 205-228
Implementation of circular economy for the evaluation of sustainability in waste management on the University Campus of Lome (Togo)
XXX Jornadas Luso-Espanholas de Gestão Científica: cooperação transfronteiriça. Desenvolvimento e coesão territorial. Livro de resumos
Moving bed biofilm reactor as an alternative wastewater treatment process for nutrient removal and recovery in the circular economy model
Bioresource Technology, Vol. 299
Plastics and sustainable purchase decisions in a circular economy: The case of Dutch food industry
PLoS ONE, Vol. 15, Núm. 9 September
Respirometric method for kinetic modeling of ammonium-oxidizing and nitrite-oxidizing bacteria in a membrane bioreactor
AIChE Journal, Vol. 66, Núm. 8
Effect of variable salinity wastewater on performance and kinetics of membrane-based bioreactors
Journal of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology, Vol. 94, Núm. 10, pp. 3236-3250
Heterotrophic kinetic study and nitrogen removal of a membrane bioreactor system treating real urban wastewater under a pharmaceutical compounds shock: Effect of the operative variables
Water (Switzerland), Vol. 11, Núm. 9