Publications (87) JESÚS LÓPEZ MEGÍAS publications


  1. Analysis of the cognitive function of myths about gender violence: the case of Rocío Carrasco

    International Journal of Social Psychology, Revista de Psicología Social, Vol. 39, Núm. 1, pp. 27-58

  2. Aprendizaje y desarrollo de la personalidad

    Máster Universitario en Profesorado de Enseñanza Secundaria Obligatoria, Bachillerato, Formación Profesional y Enseñanza de Idiomas (MAES - Universidad Internacional de Andalucía) (Universidad Internacional de Andalucía), pp. 140-227

  3. Attitudes Toward Prostitution in Norway, Spain, and Germany: Association With the Legal Context and Susceptibility to Persuasion

    Scandinavian Journal of Psychology

  4. Exposure to Feminist Humor and the Proclivity to Collective Action for Gender Equality: The Role of Message Format and Feminist Identification

    Sex Roles, Vol. 90, Núm. 1, pp. 186-201

  5. Gaming with a Feminist: Sexism and Perception of Sexist Incidents in Online Video Games

    Sex Roles

  6. How Do Men Evaluate and Blame Victims of Mobbing? Depending on the Victims’ Identification as Feminist or Egalitarian

    Journal of Interpersonal Violence, Vol. 39, Núm. 21-22, pp. 4464-4488

  7. How do disadvantaged groups perceive allies? Women's perceptions of men who confront sexism in an egalitarian or paternalistic way

    European Journal of Social Psychology, Vol. 54, Núm. 4, pp. 892-910

  8. Unveiling the Gender Symmetry Debate: Exploring Consequences, Instructions, and Forms of Violence in Intimate Partner Violence

    Journal of Interpersonal Violence