Universidad de Sevilla
Sevilla, EspañaUniversidad de Sevilla-ko ikertzaileekin lankidetzan egindako argitalpenak (32)
Multi-Criteria Assessment of Urban Thermal Hotspots: A GIS-Based Remote Sensing Approach in a Mediterranean Climate City
Remote Sensing, Vol. 17, Núm. 2
Schoolyard revegetation as a dual mechanism for environmental education and overheat mitigation
Environmental Development, Vol. 54
A Study on the Parametric Design Parameters That Influence Environmental Ergonomics and Sustainability
Sustainability (Switzerland), Vol. 15, Núm. 7
WIT Transactions on Ecology and the Environment, Vol. 261, pp. 307-316
Influence of degree days calculation methods on the optimum thermal insulation thickness in life-cycle cost analysis for building envelopes in Mediterranean and Semi-Arid climates
Journal of Building Engineering, Vol. 79
Integrated urban regeneration for high-rise multi-family buildings by providing a multidimensional assessment model and decision support system
Journal of Building Engineering, Vol. 76
Multi-criteria assessment model on environmental ergonomics for decision-making in schoolyards based on remote-sensing and GIS resources
Sustainable Cities and Society, Vol. 92
Promoting Sustainable and Resilient Constructive Patterns in Vulnerable Communities: Habitat for Humanity’s Sustainable Housing Prototypes in El Salvador
Sustainability (Switzerland), Vol. 15, Núm. 1
Providing a feasible energy retrofitting technique based on polyurethane foam injection to improve windows performance in the building stock
Energy and Buildings, Vol. 278
Revegetación en patios escolares como modelo activo y participativo de aprendizaje bioclimático entre alumnos e investigadores
Innovación docente e investigación en ciencias, ingeniería y arquitectura: nuevas tendencias para el cambio en la enseñanza superior (Dykinson), pp. 139-152
Sensitivity analysis of trends in environmental education in schools and its implications in the built environment
Environmental Development, Vol. 45
Ensuring proper management of building renovation based on an optimised decision-making model: Application in schools and social housing from southern Europe.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Monitoring and analytics to measure heat resilience of buildings and support retrofitting by passive cooling
Journal of Building Engineering, Vol. 57
Passive action strategies in schools: A scientific mapping towards eco-efficiency in educational buildings
Journal of Building Engineering, Vol. 45
Passive cooling strategies to optimise sustainability and environmental ergonomics in Mediterranean schools based on a critical review
Building and Environment, Vol. 221
Towards a built environment without physical barriers: An accessibility assessment procedure and action protocol for social housing occupied by the elderly
Sustainable Cities and Society, Vol. 76
A multi-criteria decision support method towards selecting feasible and sustainable housing renovation strategies
Journal of Cleaner Production, Vol. 278
Identifying design shortcomings and heat-island effects in schools located in warm climates: An outdoor environmental assessment procedure based on remote sensing tools
Journal of Building Engineering, Vol. 43
Natural ventilation in classrooms for healthy schools in the COVID era in Mediterranean climate
Building and Environment, Vol. 206
Special issue “urban and buildings regeneration strategy to climatic change mitigation, energy, and social poverty after a world health and economic global crisis”
Sustainability (Switzerland)