Formación permanente en matemática del docente de primera y segunda etapas del nivel de educación básica en el municipio Trujillo. Un casounidad educativa (monseñor Estanislao Carrillo)

  1. Marrone Liberatore, Elena Josefina
Supervised by:
  1. Rosario Barrios Arós Director

Defence university: Universitat Rovira i Virgili

Fecha de defensa: 28 May 2008

  1. Ángel Pío González Soto Chair
  2. Pilar Iranzo García Secretary
  3. Francesc Imbernón Muñoz Committee member
  4. Manuel Fernández Cruz Committee member
  5. Elena Cano García Committee member

Type: Thesis

Teseo: 275832 DIALNET


We presented the development of a qualitative investigation that uses as investigation strategies the Study of Case and Investigation-Action. The problematic one is tie with the formation of educational in Mathematics and is boarded through model of Cooperative Professional Development. The work of field was carried out during years 2001-2002, with a group of teachers assigned to a scholastic center of the Trujillo-Venezuela municipality under whose responsibility it is the education of children who attend the primary school (I and II Stages of Basic); a Plan of Formation in Mathematical was elaborated fit to the singularities of the performance context. Product of the experience and the reflections of the equipment educational-investigator one presents an offer of permanent training for teachers trujillanos that work in the I and the IInd stages of the level of Basic Education that, although centered in Mathematics, also can be adapted to other areas of knowledge.