Aspectos diacrónicos y sincrónicos del españolrelación con la adquisición del lenguaje escrito

  1. Defior Citoler, Sylvia Ana
  2. Serrano, Francisca
Estudios de Psicología = Studies in Psychology

ISSN: 0210-9395 1579-3699

Year of publication: 2014

Issue Title: Lectura: transparencia ortográfica del español

Volume: 35

Issue: 3

Pages: 462-475

Type: Article

DOI: 10.1080/02109395.2014.974422 DIALNET GOOGLE SCHOLAR

More publications in: Estudios de Psicología = Studies in Psychology

Sustainable development goals


In this article we intend to describe the evolution of the Spanish linguistic system (spoken and written) from both diachronic and synchronic perspectives, as well as to describe its current form; the main aim is to show how current Spanish language characteristics influence and explain, in part, the existing data about literacy acquisition in Spanish.

Funding information

This study was partially financed by the PSI2010-21983-C02-01 project of MINECO and the HUM-820 group of the Junta de Andalucía. / Este trabajo ha sido parcialmente