Impacto del autocontrol en el estrés y la toma de decisiones en personas con trastornos de la conducta alimentaria. Una propuesta formativa

  1. Ramírez Pérez, Iván
Dirigida per:
  1. Alfonso Conde Lacárcel Director

Universitat de defensa: Universidad de Granada

Fecha de defensa: 05 de d’abril de 2024

  1. Juana María Tierno García President/a
  2. Ramón Chacón Cuberos Secretari
  3. Carmen Carmona Rodríguez Vocal

Tipus: Tesi


The aim of this doctoral thesis is to understand the relationships between self-control, stress and decision-making in people with Eating Disorders (ED,s), in order to create an intervention project for people suffering from ED, and a training project for professionals who are directly or indirectly linked to this population. To achieve this, the following objectives have been defined: General objective: • To find out the relationships and how the variables of self-control, perceived stress and decision-making interact in people with ED with the aim of designing an educational intervention and formation project. Specific objectives: • Specific Aim 1: To find out whether people with ED have less self-control than people without ED. • Specific Aim 2: To find out whether people with ED have higher levels of perceived stress than people without ED. • Specific Aim 3: To find out whether perceived stress negatively predicts levels of selfcontrol. • Specific Aim 4: To find out the relationships of self-control between perceived stress and decision-making through interview and focus group discussion. Specific Aim 5: To detect other variables influencing EDs through interviews and focus group discussions. The thesis has been developed between the years 2019-2023, in which we have had the help of 2 institutions oriented to the TCA, Adaner Granada and Elca Unit. On the other hand, the research has been carried out under the Doctoral Programme in Educational Sciences of the University of Granada, supervised by the direction of Dr. Alfonso Conde Lacárcel and tutored by Dr. Eva María Olmedo Moreno. The doctoral thesis has been developed in a series of chapters that will be briefly explained: The first chapter details the "Theoretical Framework", that is, the bibliographical review of the variables shown in the doctoral thesis, being the following: Self-Control, Stress, Decision Making and Eating Disorders. The aim of this is to obtain relevant information about the variables in order to know all the aspects related to it, allowing to be more efficient when elaborating the following chapters and to achieve the objectives. Therefore, the theoretical framework underpins the present research. The second chapter details the "Methodological Framework", where the research problem, the research objectives and their hypotheses, the methodological design, the instruments and the sample population, which are patients with ED and professionals and volunteers working with this population, are presented. The third chapter develops the "Analytical Framework". It presents the data collected from the chosen instruments, which are interviews, focus groups and questionnaires, and the results obtained from their analysis. In the fourth chapter "Interpretation of Results", the results obtained from the previous chapter are explained and discussed, with the aim of drawing conclusions that will serve to develop the intervention and formation project based on the variables investigated. They also provide comments on future research projects and the limitations of the research. Finally, in the fifth chapter, the "Intervention and Formation Project" is developed, created on the basis of the results of the research into the variables studied. This project will not only be aimed at patients with ED, but also at the entire professional community that is directly or indirectly linked to this problem, from clinical professionals to professionals in the education system at all levels.