Publicaciones (26) Publicaciones en las que ha participado algún/a investigador/a


  1. "Gender differences in Early Childhood Education"

    Universidad, educación afectivo-sexual, corporal y de género: Investigación, formación e innovación (Editorial Universidad de Granada), pp. 107-129

  2. "Teaching gender differences in Early Childhood Education" (versión reducida del capítulo)

    Universidad, educación afectivo-sexual, corporal y de género: Investigación, formación e innovación (Editorial Universidad de Granada), pp. 130-142

  3. Attention to what?: The poetics, ethics and attentional economies in Dave Eggers's the parade

    The Ethics of (In-)Attention in Contemporary Anglophone Narrative (Taylor and Francis), pp. 39-57

  4. Developing Motivation through an ICT Cooperation Project Plan in English between Spanish and German Students

    Studies in English Language and Education, Vol. 11, Núm. 1, pp. 1-22

  5. Educación inclusiva: Legislación y metodologías

    De los márgenes al aula. Aplicaciones didácticas con perspectiva de género (Dykinson), pp. 396-412

  6. Hispanic women professors in higher education in the US

    A Cross-Cultural Examination of Women in Higher Education and the Workplace (IGI Global), pp. 151-176

  7. Inclusive Education in Bilingual Early Childhood and Primary Centres

    Advances in Educational Technologies and Instructional Design, pp. 61-79

  8. Integration of the tablet in a spanish early childhood education classroom

    New Approaches in Mobile Learning for Early Childhood Education (IGI Global), pp. 60-90

  9. La mejora de la comprensión escrita en inglés mediante el aprendizaje basado en proyectos en alumnos del Grado de Educación Infantil

    Porta Linguarum: revista internacional de didáctica de las lenguas extranjeras, Núm. 42, pp. 11-26

  10. Project for the global integration of meaningful learning of english in early childhood education

    Leading and Managing Change for School Improvement (IGI Global), pp. 146-172

  11. Relationships between emotional intelligence, willingness to communicate, and classroom participation: Results from secondary education in Spain

    Exploring Contemporary English Language Education Practices (IGI Global), pp. 70-96

  12. The Effects of Vehicular Language on the Election of Post-Basic Studies

    International Journal of Humanities Education, Vol. 22, Núm. 2, pp. 1-17

  13. The combination of flipped classroom and icts towards effective instruction in an efl environment

    Navigating Innovative Technologies and Intelligent Systems in Modern Education (IGI Global), pp. 154-181

  14. The importance of educative software to optimize microlessons in the study of english in compulsory secondary education

    Optimizing Education Through Micro-Lessons: Engaging and Adaptive Learning Strategies (IGI Global), pp. 193-213


  1. Appraising Research in Second Language Learning: A practical approach to critical analysis of quantitative research

    Language Learning and Language Teaching (John Benjamins Publishing Company), pp. 1-333

  2. Language Teaching

    Journal of Germanic Linguistics


  1. Teaching speaking: some considerations

    Towards an understanding of the English language. Past, present and future: studies in honour of Fernando Serrano (Editorial Universidad de Granada), pp. 477-490


  1. El uso de Internet para el desarrollo curricular en primaria, secundaria y adultos

    Lenguaje y textos, Núm. 21, pp. 9-22

  2. English from a distance: Codemixing and blending in the L1 output of long-term resident overseas EFL teachers

    Effects of the Second Language on the First (Channel View Publications), pp. 103-119

  3. Expectativas y demandas del profesorado respecto a la futura licenciatura de Magisterio

    La formación inicial del profesorado a la luz de los nuevos retos de convergencia de las políticas de la Unión Europea (Universidad de Granada), pp. 113-128