Publications (62) JUAN MIGUEL ALCÁNTARA PILAR publications


  1. A review of three decades of academic research on brand equity: A bibliometric approach using co-word analysis and bibliographic coupling

    Journal of Business Research, Vol. 139, pp. 1067-1083

  2. El "brand equity": una visión holística del término, uso y medición, con especial aproximación al sector de la restauración

    Investigación y transferencia de las ciencias sociales frente a un mundo en crisis (Dykinson), pp. 1505-1535

  3. El efecto de la nostalgia evocada por la música cinematográfica en las actitudes y comportamientos a través de un spot publicitario

    Nuevas tendencias en investigación: la transferencia de conocimiento de la Universidad a la sociedad (Thomson Reuters Aranzadi), pp. 143-160

  4. Influence of the perceived benefit of a social network-based sales promotion on the perceived quality of a heritage complex

    Academia Revista Latinoamericana de Administracion, Vol. 35, Núm. 2, pp. 148-162

  5. The relationship between brand experience and word-of-mouth in the TV-series sector: The moderating effect of culture and gender

    Journal of Marketing Communications, Vol. 28, Núm. 5, pp. 506-527


  1. El uso de “ClassCraft” como herramienta gamificación en el módulo de Operaciones Auxiliares de Gestión de Tesorería

    Investigación e innovación educativa frente a los retos para el desarrollo sostenible (Dykinson), pp. 838-851

  2. Formation of customer-based Brand Equity via authenticity: the mediating role of utilitarian attitude and the moderating role of restaurant type

    Omni-Channel communication: Delivering unified communications across all branded touch-points: Conference proceedings

  3. No more drama: Genres and subgenres of TV series

    Handbook of Research on Contemporary Storytelling Methods Across New Media and Disciplines (IGI Global), pp. 274-299

  4. What television series interest viewers? Identification of general trends

    Omni-Channel communication: Delivering unified communications across all branded touch-points: Conference proceedings


  1. A review of restaurant research in the last two decades: A bibliometric analysis

    International Journal of Hospitality Management, Vol. 87

  2. Case Study of Marketing

    3Economy+ Project Handbook: Study of regional economic, marketing and tourism development in three peripherical european territories: Alto Alentejo, Malta and Melilla (Comares), pp. 155-202

  3. Formation of customer-based brand equity via authenticity: The mediating role of satisfaction and the moderating role of restaurant type

    International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, Vol. 32, Núm. 2, pp. 815-834