Publications (120) FRANCISCO JAVIER GARCÍA CASTAÑO publications


  1. Análisis de los procesos de identificación en el cine "chiñol": en el caso del filme Chinas

    Retos y tendencias en los nuevos contextos comunicativos (Fragua), pp. 1-13

  2. Disproportionate Representation of Minorities in Schools: the Case of Special Education

    Transformative lntercultural Global Education (IGI Global), pp. 49-76

  3. Disproportionate representation of minorities in schools: The case of special education

    Transformative Intercultural Global Education (IGI Global), pp. 49-76

  4. La representación desproporcionada de una población “minoritaria” en la “educación especial” en la escuela: el caso de España

    Deusto journal of human rights = Revista Deusto de derechos humanos, Núm. 13, pp. 11-40


  1. The Media Representation of Refugee Women in Spain: The Humanitarian Crisis of the First Female Refugees in the Press

    Handbook of Research on Promoting Social Justice for Immigrants and Refugees Through Active Citizenship and Intercultural Education (IGI Global), pp. 98-128

  2. The media representation of refugee women in Spain: The humanitarian crisis of the first female refugees in the press

    Handbook of Research on Promoting Social Justice for Immigrants and Refugees Through Active Citizenship and Intercultural Education (Taylor and Francis Inc.), pp. 98-128


  1. La trampa de la diversidad: (des)igualdades en la escuela

    Discriminación, racismo y relaciones interculturales (Thomson Reuters Aranzadi), pp. 25-49

  2. Multicultural education and the concept of culture: A view from social anthropology

    Intercultural Education: Theories, Policies and Practice (Taylor and Francis), pp. 113-134